See how we are creating a lucrative income while seeing the world

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Looking For a Complete List of Ticker Symbols for the NYSE?

 Definition of a "stock symbol" (source:

Here is a complete list of stock symbols (ticker symbols) for the New York Stock Exchange.

Looking for cutting edge, top of the line, investment strategies?
Message me, Chantel Duty.

FAS stock quote - Direxion Daily Financial Bull 3X Shares stock price -

 FAS stock quotes..

Visit: FAS stock quote - Direxion Daily Financial Bull 3X Shares stock price -

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Marijuana Stock... How Do They Relate To Today's Stock Market?

With the increasing use and acceptance of medical marijuana across the United States, many wonder how this affects the stock market forecast, if they should find a way to invest, and if so, what in?

Here's a few quick insights from "Ask a Fool".

Ask A Fool - Medical Marijuana and Stocks

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Money In Stock Market Is Real Money

How do mutual funds and IRA's compare to money in the stock market?

Are you making all you can?  Get more information and a FREE Kit on how to get a much higher return at:  Fully Robotic Trader

Computers Are In... Financial Planners Are Out!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ambition & Guilt Free Wealth Creation

Let me ask you?
Are you comfortable in life and enjoy where you're at,
OR, do you feel like you're in a fishbowl struggling to
get out and every turn, leads you in circles?

Do you struggle every day with the unsettling thought of
never getting a different result or road to travel? it's all been decided for you way before now.

Have you ever been shown a different way to live, make
money, move on!?....

And if so, "Do You Have the AMBITION to Change Your Destiny"?

If you are one of the millions of people who are unsettled in

life and know that just because you've been dealt the cards,
you can fold, and walk away, then I want to share with you a
very profound thought...


     "I allow myself to make the MOST amount of MONEY, in

    the LEAST amount of Time, with ZERO Guilt".  ~ Mark Hoverson

Very Few People Seek Change.....  Why?

Because as we get older, we grow UNcomfortable with it.

We THINK that just because a system was put in place for us,

that we have to follow it and go through the motions... just like
everyone else.

So what about you, Do you put limits on your future?

Have you ever thought you just didn't have what it takes

to go above and beyond your necessary means of income
(to just get by)?

Have you ever thought that wealth just wasn't part of your


I used to think I was 'unworthy' of wealth.  That it was reserved

for others who were born in to it or had some type of mental genius
about them... OR just lucky.

Then, when I realized that everything on the planet is provided in

complete abundance... the food we eat, the air we breath, the water
we drink...

I realized that the same goes for money.  It's out there. .. for anyone

who is ready and willing to go after their fair share of it.

How bout you?  Are you ready to resign the idea that you have to extra

special to create unlimited wealth?  Are you ready to grab the bull by the
horns and make your "Someday", TODAY?

Well, you won't believe just how many people step up to the plate, each

and everyday to overcome their hidden mental objections to create a NEW
LIFE, that they WANT to live...

NOT one that is just doled out to them like a serving in the cafeteria aisle.  

You have a choice.  Everyday.   Monotony of a dead-end job that gives me

the same thing each day I wake, with little to NO HOPE for my future or for
my kids... OR FREEDOM.

Which do YOU choose?

*  Catch the Difference here ~>>

    ...and see Mark's explanation of GUILT FREE WEALTH CREATION ON

THAT PAGE. (4th one down).  

*  Hop on our latest LIVE EVENT (top of the page).  

*  See how many of our affiliates have earned over $3K (many in one sale)

in the month of October.   We will share with you exactly how you can too
Nov 5 at 8 pm EST.

*  Then Catch The Vision and see how you can CREATE your own Lifestyle

Dreams starting today.

Looking Forward!
~ Chantel D.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Learn How to Earn ~ Robert Kiyosaki -

"Money is a drug." - Rich dad

When we were kids, rich dad didn't pay his son Mike and me for the work we did for him. Some people were upset about this because they thought he was being exploitive. But rich dad was really doing Mike and me a favor.

The main reason that rich dad refused to pay us while we worked for him was because he never wanted us to become addicted to working for money. "If you become addicted to money," he said, 'it's hard to break that addiction."

Money is a drug?

Rich dad called money a drug because he observed people who were happy when they had money and upset or moody when they didn't. Just as heroin addicts get high when they inject the drug, they also get moody and upset when they don't have it.

For my entire blog, please go to